Going to college takes a lot of time, energy, and money. Start thinking early during your high school years about what you would like to do for a career after high school.
What do you enjoy spending your time most? What are your hobbies and interests? Explore, what career options these can turn into. Seek out people who are already in a career you are possibly interested in.
For example, if you are interested in becoming a chef, maybe you visit your favorite restaurant and arrange an interview with the head chef there. If you have a passion for learning how to fly airplanes, research what it’s like to be a pilot. Try contacting your local airport to see if you can talk with one of the pilots.
Find out from everyone you talk to about possible careers. Asking people about their career is great way to see what their day-to-day schedule is like. What type of training did they need? What skills are crucial to be successful in the job they have?
A personal example would be my job as a sales manager. I received a business management degree, with a minor in communications studies in college. Skills I need are: to be able to create rapport with others, to be able to plan what customers I would like to bring on, what markets I would like to sell to, and how will I maintain these customers. I also have to be self-motivated, I also need to be organized, since I am one of the people who runs the company.
To get started on finding your strengths, the links on the resources page can direct you to strengths finder quizzes, and tests that can help guide you to careers you may want to consider.